Comments on: Our Current Understanding of How are Planets Formed
Astronomy for EveryoneTue, 25 Aug 2015 23:32:07 +0000
By: How Planets Form » The Physics MillThe Physics Mill
Mon, 02 Jun 2014 03:07:11 +0000http://www.brownspacemans.local/?p=853#comment-27176[…] SpaceMan wrote both google+ post and a blog article on planet […]
By: Carnival of Space #347 is here! | CosmoQuest Blog
Tue, 01 Apr 2014 19:26:29 +0000http://www.brownspacemans.local/?p=853#comment-13370[…] With all these planets everywhere, how do they form after all? Get a great overview with stunning graphics at BrownSpaceMan. […]
By: David Fahy
Tue, 01 Apr 2014 05:18:54 +0000http://www.brownspacemans.local/?p=853#comment-13194I believe the Bible version of how planets were formed to quote; “In the beginning God created the heaven and the EARTH.” So when did God create the Earth? To survive 13. 72 billion years Earth had to be a mini star and around the nine billion year mark cool down slightly to dirty-up like Jupiter today to produce a crust. This took about four and a half billion years. The history of the planets thermals has been constant for that time in its solid structure in the mantle. The creation of new atoms to make matter has proved to be at a constant temperature at just 6000 c which is the same as our Sun. The Earth’s primary source of heat is nuclear fusion and not from liquid or solid iron cores for the gravity is too high by mass to come from an iron source. What lay under the nuclear fusion, the fuel for its perpetuation is extremely cold, positively charged and has a magnetic polarity. The proposed double hot and hotter iron cores simply could not produce the thermal variants for the planets ice caps. On the other hand the primary source that feeds the nuclear fusion does. Then there are the complexities involved with interactive forces between bodies of mass. Stabilization of orbits are two loosely explained by centrifugal force and gravity. Using my model with a primary of nuclear fusion the interactive forces are much more stable and containing factors of repelling to other bodies of mass and factors of attraction to the solid matter produced. I found this to be the case with the whole Galaxy from the host star in the middle to beyond the perimeters of its body.