Welcome to the Carnival of Space issue 449! If this is your first time coming across this series then let me give you a brief introduction. Carnival of Space is hosted by amazing space science bloggers across the globe where they share their best space stories. It makes your life a lot easier in tracking down these awesome stories and even some exposure to our grass roots community. We hope you enjoy these stories and learn something new today! Without further adieu here they are: CHIMERA: New Instrument to Help Astronomers Discover Kuiper Belt Objetcs and NEAs Asteroids Here’s a post (in español) from our friends over at Vega00.com about how a new instrument called CHIMERA or Caltech HIgh-speed Multi-color camERA, will help astronomers discover more small Kuiper Belt Objects (KBO) and near-Earth asteroids. Check out the full post here. Edge-On: Good for...